Sunday, January 3, 2010


So last semester I got to try my hand at oil painting. It's a really fun medium--though crazy expensive... Thankfully I could tell my work improved a lot. (Maybe I should have posted a before and after painting to emphasize just how bad I started. But I don't really want to be reminded.) Here are two of the paintings I ended up actually liking. One more is coming along, but I'll post that when it's done.


Aaron Ludwig said...

Looks great. Nicely done.

Jocelyn said...

Wow, these are really beautiful! Great work stacey!

JAKE WYATT said...

MAN. You've gotten pretty good with the paint over there, Sister Bethers! What were you eating last semester?!

Edward Luong said...

these look great, utah :). Hope all is going well.

Anthony Holden said...

Wow, Stacey--this is fantastic work!

kwistin said...

yay, i loved these! i'm glad you posted. :)